Our vision is to save your quality time!

With software and app for android and apple!

Announcemet: NEW FEATURES!

Wordpress hosting, Shopify integration & more....

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Announcemet: NEW FEATURES!

Wordpress hosting, Shopify integration & more...

Please log into your app.rosenwinkler-solutions.com to check for updates.

Want to save time?

We analysed what features buisnisses use to automate and simplify workflows within their company including marketing and combined them all in our software. You also may watch important statistics and anwers chats from our mobile app.

No more platform-hopping reply to them all from ONE place!

Our Coversation Manager allows you to answer all sms, email, goolge and social media from one site or our app! No more platform- hopping.

We are giving you the chance to write posts and publish them on a time and on platforms of your choosing. You may also like our Conent AI writing them for you with Chat GPT.

Marketing Management.

Our Ad Manager allows you to create, manage, and track your Facebook and Google ad campaigns within our software. Track the performance in real-time, monitor your spending and adjust strategies. Our Ad Manager also supports Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter ad campaigns. Youtube campagnes can also be imported after creating them and monitored from here. Email & SMS Marketing also includet.

Toolbox to create and manage Your Website.

Our Sites- and Funnel builder allows you design your drem website with no additional costs. With surveys, forms, chatwidget, pipelines, automations and way to to customize then you will ever need.

If your existing Website is compatible with our Web- Builder, you will be able to customize it from here. And if not, just ad an URL- Redirect to your newly created website.

Monitor from the Comfort of Your Home.

If you are curious how your buiness is doing while on the go, our mobile app is perfect for you to monitor all statistics and reply to all conversations. Email, Text, Social Media and even your webistes chat widgets.

Want to save time?

We analysed what features buisnisses use to automate and simplify workflows within their company including marketing and combined them all in our software. You also may watch important statistics and anwers chats from our mobile app.

No more platform-hopping reply to them all from ONE place!

Our Coversation Manager allows you to answer all sms, email, goolge and social media from one site or our app! No more platform- hopping.

We are giving you the chance to write posts and publish them on a time and on platforms of your choosing. You may also like our Conent AI writing them for you with Chat GPT.

Marketing Management.

Our Ad Manager allows you to create, manage, and track your Facebook and Google ad campaigns within our software. Track the performance in real-time, monitor your spending and adjust strategies. Our Ad Manager also supports Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter ad campaigns. Youtube campagnes can also be imported after creating them and monitored from here.

Email & SMS Marketing also includet

Toolbox to create and manage Your Website.

Our Sites- and Funnel builder allows you design your drem website with no additional costs. With surveys, forms, chatwidget, pipelines, automations and way to to customize then you will ever need.

If your existing Website is compatible with our Web- Builder, you will be able to customize it from here. And if not, just ad an URL- Redirect to your newly created website.

Monitor from the Comfort of Your Home.

If you are curious how your buiness is doing while on the go, our mobile app is perfect for you to monitor all statistics and reply to all conversations. Email, Text, Social Media and even your webistes chat widgets.


Here's what it looks like:

Start your 20- Day free trial.

Nothing to lose by trying, but everything to win – click here now to find out.

Test how it feels.

Feel free to explore all features given to you.

Don't be shy! Got questions? Text us or book a call using the online calendar that’s presented to you. We'll further explain the value our software provides.

Enjoy our services from there.

That’s basically it. We really want to bring a little luxury into your company. There’s no time better than now – so click here and let’s start.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would i need your service in particular?

Becuase we spend a lot of time researching super niche buisness solutions and collecting them in one software/ app. After you work with us, no additional service will ever be needed. And if we spot a new feature out there we will recreate it with our own twiston it so our customers can use it without collecting new subscribtions else where.

Who would you recommend your services for?

Thats the great part about it: Everyone! We have usefull features for all companies.

What if need help setting up?

If your struggling on your journey don't hesitate to let our support know about it. We will get back to you garantied. If the issue is very complicated we can offer you a google meet call aswell.

Do I need to have knowledge about programming when building a website?

Absolutly not! View it as a game u have to get into for a couple of minutes. Once you are used to it, you won't look back. Our support team may also help you understand certain topics.

What if i don't like the features?

Don't worry. If you don't enjoy our features you can cancell your subscription at all times!

We look forward to save your time.

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